Innovative Fastening Products
SPIROL is a technical resource that provides high quality components that improve the quality of your assembly, extend the life of your products and reduce your manufacturing costs. We are the leading global manufacturer of engineered fasteners, shims, installation machines, and parts feeding equipment producing over two billion components annually.
In addition to high quality products, SPIROL has Application Engineers throughout the world to assist you in your designs, supported by state-of-the-art manufacturing centers and global stocking facilities to simplify the logistics of delivering your product.
If you have any questions or would like complimentary Application Engineering support, please feel free to contact us at any time!
View SPIROL's Products

Components Produced Annually
Standard Items
Customer Applications
Global Locations
Product Lines
SPIROL's products can be found in alternative energy / green technology applications, gas-powered automobiles, electric vehicles, airplanes & helicopters, agriculture / heavy equipment, tractor trailers, office furniture, consumer appliances, hand & power tools, lawn & garden equipment, medical devices / medical equipment - literally any assembly that can be mechanically fastened together! There are no engineering fees and all standard parts typically ship from stock!
SPIROL offers both the engineered fastener and a standard line of fastener installation equipment and high-performance vibratory parts feeding systems. We are uniquely equipped to provide the total assembly solution!
Select from the options below to learn more about SPIROL's standard product lines. You may also view product catalogs and design guides, purchase product directly through, request a quote, or download 2D drawings and 3D models.
Need Help Finding the Right Solution?
SPIROL offers complimentary Application Engineering support. We will assist on new designs as well as help resolve issues, and recommend cost savings on existing designs. Let us help!

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Our Complimentary Application Engineering Process
When you engage with SPIROL as part of your team, we will utilize our 5-Step Process for Success to ensure that you receive the right solution in a timely manner. We will be an active participant of your team starting in the design stage - through the qualification stage – until the product is launched successfully to ensure that your quality, performance and assembly objectives are completely satisfied.

Step 1/5
Define Objectives
We work with you to define your product performance, assembly and commercial objectives. This includes gathering sample components, the drawings of the individual components and the assembly-level drawings. At this stage, we also define commercial objectives such as target product costing, product packaging / labeling, and delivery requirements.
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Step 2/5
Conduct Comprehensive Engineering Evaluation
After we gather your product, assembly and manufacturing objectives, we will conduct a comprehensive engineering evaluation. Our Application Engineers are dedicated to assisting you in determining the best solution for your particular application.
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Step 3/5
Present Technical and Commercial Proposal
We will provide you with a formal technical and commercial proposal, including prototypes for evaluation in your assembly. The proposal will detail other products that were considered for your application, and ultimately why the recommended part is the optimum solution.
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Step 4/5
Deliver Complete Assembly Solution
If installation equipment is involved, we can also design a fixture to hold and align the components during insertion. We build, test, install and certify the machine – as well as educate your operators and maintenance personnel.
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Step 5/5
Exceed Your Expectations
We plan production to meet your delivery requirements and will ship certified products anywhere in the world – on time.
Request Engineering Support
Have a manufacturing issue you can't solve? Our engineering experts love a challenge. Recommending efficient solutions for your application requirements is what we do best. Give us a call or fill out the form below to connect with us!
+1 860 774 8571